Frequently Asked Questions
For overnight camp, sessions run from Sunday to Friday for 5-day sessions, or Sunday to the following Monday for 8-day sessions, then Thursday to the following Friday for the other. Campers can come to as many sessions as they like, but must go home between sessions.
The average day at Camp Allen is filled with fun and new experiences for both campers and staff. Please watch the video in the link below to learn about the not so average day at Camp Allen!
Camper’s require 1:1 support for a variety of reasons. If a camper requires increased medical support such as frequent seizures or full assistance with their activities of daily living, we would suggest 1:1 support. If a camper requires behavioral support that needs constant monitoring, we would suggest 1:1 support. Sometimes campers enjoy the companionship of 1:1 support, that is welcomed as well. Please note, if you are ever unsure, do not hesitate to contact us. We have a strict limit of 20 1:1 camper slots in residential camp, and three in day camp.
Camp Allen will do our best to update our Facebook and Instagram profiles on a daily basis throughout the summer. You will be able to get an idea as to what activities are going on this way! The Camp Director and Assistant Director may call if we need advice or have questions about how best to care for your loved one. Please do not think that a phone call from Camp Allen is a bad thing. It can be something as simple as the camper wanting to call to make sure that you are all right! You are always welcome to call or visit when your camper is attending!
Camp Allen staff come from all over the world! We pride ourselves on this fact as it allows our campers to experience a world of culture here in Bedford, NH! Our staff take part in a week long intensive training, that includes sessions on caring for camper’s medical and behavioral needs by a Medical Doctor, and two Nurses. They are also trained in personal care, empathy, human rights, Camp Allen policies, and program adaptation. For new employees, experience is welcome, but not necessary as we hope to expand the disability community by training, love, and care.
Yes! Most of our campers have some sort of dietary requirement. It can be as simple as their food being cut up to scheduled tube feedings. Our kitchen provides gluten free, dairy free, puree, portion controlled, etc., at all meal times. We welcome any food supplements that you provide for your camper as well, as long as they are nut free as Camp Allen is a nut free facility.
Camp Allen experience is unique to each individual. Most campers will follow and participate in every activity but if a camper does not want to participate, alternative options will be provided. Whilst we encourage participation in every activity, campers who wish to make the Camp Allen experience unique to them, are more than welcome to do so.
A camper must be at least six years old to attend residential or day camp, there is no upper age limit. In 2023, Camp Allen’s youngest camper was six years old and our oldest camper was 87!
Yes, to an extent. Camp Allen’s nurse’s primary role is to dispense medication and to care for any bumps and bruises that happen along the way. Campers are expected to come to camp healthy and it is our duty to maintain their health and safety while they are here. Camp Allen’s nurses can handle most medical needs, but we cannot provide individualized 24/7 nursing care. Camp Allen is ten minutes away from two major hospitals and we have an excellent relationship with the Bedford, NH Fire Department.
Behavior is a form of communication and we pride ourselves on that fact. That being said we do not restrain any camper unless they are an immediate threat to themselves or others. Campers that display aggressive behavior towards staff may be tolerated to a point. Aggressive behavior towards other campers will not be tolerated.
If you have any questions, please contact us before signing up.
Yes! We encourage people to come to Camp Allen’s open house that will take place in May. That being said, if you want a private tour you can schedule that by calling the office at (603) 622-8471. There is someone at Camp Allen at all times throughout the year and tours can be scheduled at your convenience.
Yes! Camp Allen would not be successful without the hundreds of volunteers that support us every year. Volunteer opportunities may be scheduled by phone at (603) 622-8471. Please note that any individual under the age of 16 must be supervised by an adult.
Every summer, Camp Allen employs 70+ individuals in various roles. Counselor’s for overnight camp must be at least 18 years old. Day camp counselors must be at least 16, and must commit to the full summer. There are various other administrative positions such as kitchen, maintenance and activity coordinators available.
The employment application can be found at this link: Employment Application. This can be done online or printed and mailed to Camp Allen, 56 Camp Road, Bedford, NH, 03110.
We are also extremely proud of our CamPower program that trains individuals with disabilities, job skills through job modeling. More information is available at this link: CamPower
Yes! Camp Allen is a 501c3 tax-deductible charitable organization. Camp Allen could not operate in the way it does without support from people like you. Your donation supports camperships, (so that finances do not impede a camper from attending), building improvements, specialized activities and equipment, and so much more.