Please click on the button to follow a link to CampBrain. From here you can create a new camper application.


Camp Allen has two Campership opportunities. It is our goal that finances should not stop someone from coming to Camp. If you are hesitating about the cost of camp please contact the office and we can help you with both the Harry Allen Gregg Foundation grants (for New Hampshire residents), as well as our own Ami Goodwin Campership program (For all). Details about each program are below.

About the Harry Allen Gregg Foundation

Over thirty years ago the Harry Allen Gregg Foundation was established to provide support grants to help the people of New Hampshire with disabilities and their families cover the cost of needed products and services. As one of the few charitable foundations to provide funds directly to individuals, the Harry Allen Gregg Foundation has made over 8,000 grants totaling more than $3 million. Opportunities for grant support include home modifications, educational services, adaptive equipment, therapeutic recreation, medical bills and technology. 

Learn more and apply here:

Ami Goodwin Campership Program

Ami Goodwin was a young woman who had the reputation of being a holy terror at camp! She was seen often racing around the property in her souped up wheelchair, her counselor running to keep up with her. Yet every check out day she would leave whatever store money she had left asking that we give it to a camper that came with no money. When Ami passed (way too soon) the staff and Board of Directors honored her in naming Camp Allen’s Campership program in her memory. All campers are eligible to apply regardless of location. Camperships are awarded based on need and available funds.

If you are interested in a position with us this summer (including volunteer work), please complete the employment application form which can be accessed by clicking on the button below.



We are looking for our new Executive Director!

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